Monday, November 12, 2012

Root Vegetables and Collards

This week's vegetable bin will be gifting us with harvest vegetables galore! The menu for the week is inspired by collard greens, a pomegranate and root vegetables, with a chard challenge thrown it. I personally love using chard in smoothies as well as cooked items. It's loaded with potassium - great for keeping cramps at bay after long, wet hikes into the mountains. However, many people are not thrilled with the flavour of chard,so I try to pick a recipe that has a bold enough palate to offset the chard. I've also been in a stew mood, and am also craving roast-y, smokey flavours.

Here are this week's menu options:

Stew options:
- Cuban Black Bean and Yam Stew
- Beef Stew with swiss chard

Salad options:
- kale salad w/beets, carrots, pecans, pomegranate seeds,  and gorgonzola or feta with a balsamic dressing
- Rice salad with roasted vegetables

main dish options:
- chicken and mixed rice with artichoke hearts
- Butternut squash and pinto bean enchiladas
- curried lentil and rice casserole

Snack options:
- Pumpkin Coconut spice muffins
- Mini Quiches with sweet potato crust

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